Thursday, October 9, 2008

What do you really mean?

Being in ministry can always be fun and frustrating. People will tell you things in the name of love and the reality is they are being hurtful. People will say things like, "well I need to tell you something........don't get mad at me." Truth is they have been gossiping about it to their three close friends for about a month and they don't want to admit it. I want to punch them in the throat and tell them to shut their mouth. Most of the time it would be more encouraging to know that people are supporting the cause for Christ then killing it. Perry Noble had a great post this week about statements people make and the reality of what they "really" mean. You should really check this out here.

Have you ever had someone say any of these things to you before? If yes, which ones?

I think I have heard them all at some point.


Bill and Melodie said...

I'll remember not to ever gosspi about anything before I tell you : )

Unknown said...

I've heard them all. I learned early on in ministry that when people said "alot of people think this" to ask who and if they couldn't tell me to make them focus on their own stuff.

It IS hard and it IS hurtful. It's like being a parent. Until you've been there you can't appreciate how difficult it is.

Owen said...

My favorite is when people send their complaints anonymously or via a mutual friend. Excuse me, but there is no such thing as anonymous. We "will" eventually find out.

But yes, being in the ministry brings a lot of headaches. It is even worse when you are paid. It is like people feel they have a right to make your life miserable.

By the way and on a serious note, I have always appreciated your humbleness as a youth pastor. You don't use it as a crutch nor do you brag about it. You "serve" and you serve in glorying God's holy name! Keep up the good work and may God continue to bless you and give you strength, my friend.

Alison said...

I prefer kicking them in the shins :).

Good post by Perry!

Josh Britt said...

the shins are always a great spot...I think that is the girl zone.

Josh Britt said...

thanks so much for your comments Owen. I really feel humbled by your remarks. I appreciate your and Jennifer. You guys are awesome!