Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Love and Hate

Experts tell us that about 90% of communication is nonverbal.

So what's the big deal?

Well there is a huge love hate relationship going around. It is really important to us and something that most of us would die without (That could be a little extreme). Maybe just freak and be unable to work. We have become so dependant on email. Email is a great thing in most instances, but there are great dangers in this type of communication. If so much of our communication is nonverbal we need to be very careful what and how we communicate through email.
  • We should never email about conflict.
  • We should never email negative critiques of others.
  • We should never email about negative situations.
  • We should never email confidential information that we don’t want anyone else to see.
  • We should never email when we are upset or angry.
Many of us need to learn to hit the delete key or at least read the email out loud before it is sent. It is amazing how so many people with just type things that they would never say to someone out loud or to their face.

I see so many people who have ignore these statements and it has landed them in some pretty warm water. Next time before you email ask yourself should this be communicated in another way? What could be misinterpreted or misunderstood?

I would challenge you to really think before you email it could save everybody some heartache.


Unknown said...

amen, brother. David sent me an email that had an exerpt from a sermon where the guy said "If you wouldn't say it to their face, don't email it." That's good too - we're way braver via email than in person sometimes. Love one another enough to do the face to face thing.

Christie said...

I could not agree more. Email seems like the chicken and less confrontational way to do things; however, in the end it can sever great relationships that might have otherwise had a chance.

If you are not good with face to face and are nervous about what to say in person. Then write it down and take it with you and meet with the person face to face. There is no shame in that and it will help you to stay on track with what you need to say.

Trust me...I do not like face to face confrontation but I have written it down and has made my face to face encounters much better.

Emailing, texting and blogging has given many of us freedom to express ourselves in a way that is not only ungodly but unkind. I would encourage you to spend less time emailing, texting, facebooking, and blogging about problems you have with other people and meeting with them face to face. Be proactive, pray about your response, go to your friends, and use your words.

Alison said...

I used to always save my replies to "difficult" e-mails at my previous job and wait an hour or two before I sent them. 9 times out of 10, I deleted them!